Welcome to the News Archive
Every so often, something fun or different may happen, (we may even be spotted out in the wild) and this is the page where we will feature such occurrences.
"A low-cost lifeline for farmers"
Quite a few articles went up recently that all featured the developments that have gone into our RTU platform. Links below:
Cornish Times 27/11/2020
Farming Monthly National 01/12/2020
The Press and Journal 30/11/2020
AGTag - Agricultural Magazine for southern Africa

Featured on Business Cornwall
With the recent Pandemic and the Covid-19 Crisis, Robotriks Ltd has collaborated with Babcock International, The University of Plymouth, Plymouth Science Park, Plymouth College of Art and the Royal Navy to 3D print and produce over 3500+ items of PPE over the span of 3 weeks.
Link: Here
Speaking during the Research Festival at the University of Plymouth
21 + 23/01/2020:-
Robotriks provided a couple of talks as part of the research festival focussing on topics regarding:
Soil metrics and sensing - 21/01
'EPIC' Knowledge Transfer Process - 23/01

Featuring on BBC Politics South West
The RTU Agricultural project by Robotriks was featured on BBC Politics South West during a segment talking about the future for farming in the UK.
Featuring on BBC Spotlight
One of our directors, Jake Gibson Shaw-Sutton, featured on BBC spotlight to talk about robotics and eHealth in the south west.